Upside Learning Shares Tips through an eBook
With the rising number of devices available, people move between devices to accomplish a goal. In the learning context, learners now access learning via a number of different devices - desktops or laptops, tablets, phablets, and smartphones - starting a course on one device and finishing it on another. This makes it imperative to have the information and learning materials available at the point of need or time of interest, which makes it more context based.
Hence the learning material and courseware have to be designed and tested across multiple devices, browsers, manufacturers, models and sizes, operating systems, connectivity modes, and platforms. The same applies to the delivery platform, which in most cases is a learning-management system.
But in the wake of the emerging devices, browsers, manufacturers, and other parameters and their combinations, a number of challenges come to the fore that pertain to designing, testing, and delivering multi-device eLearning.
Upside Learning's eBook, "Tips for Designing, Testing and Delivering eLearning in a Multi-device World", covers the whole nine yards of these challenges, while revealing tips for designing, testing and delivering eLearning for a contrasting variety of devices.
Key takeaways
Ÿ the need for multi-device eLearning
Ÿ pointers on designing multi-device eLearning
Ÿ tips on multi-device testing
Ÿ tips for selecting a responsive LMS
The eBook has been co-authored by Upside Learning's founders, Amit Gautam, Director - Technology Solutions and Amit Garg, Director - Custom Learning Solutions. Gautam and Garg have to their credit several eBooks and blog posts and have delivered webinars and learning sessions at various L&D conferences across the world.