higher education
Trendthemen des Horizon Reports 2017
Hamburg, Dezember 2016 - Das Multimediakontor Hamburg macht sich seit Jahren um die deutsche Übersetzung des jährlichen Horizon Reports verdient. Ein Expertenbeirat hat die Themen für die Hochschulausgabe 2017 des NMC Horizon Report im November diesen Jahres ausgewählt. Das Team des NMC (New Media Consortium) wird den Report in den kommenden Wochen schreiben und im Februar auf dem Annual Meeting der EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) vorstellen. Die Trends wurden jetzt schon benannt.
» MEHRMedia & Learning Conference and Symposium
Brussels (BE), November 2016 - This year, the annual Media & Learning get-together in Brussels will be structured around two separate events: the Media & Learning Conference entitled Learning Media for Digital Citizenship and the Media & Learning Symposium called Video in Higher Education. This highly interactive gathering will include lots of inspiring talks, demos, best-practice showcases, and workshop sessions.
» MOREThird International Conference on Higher Education Advances
Valencia (E), November 2016 - After the great success of the previous HEAd conferences, which received submissions from 54 countries, the organizers are pleased to announce the Third International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'17), 21-23 June 2017 in Valencia, Spain.
Unconscious Bias Training Programmes in Higher Education
London (UK), April 2016 - Marshall, the equality and diversity specialist eLearning consultancy, have launched a new training course that looks at the student context of unconscious bias, available now to universities across the UK.