CHECK.point eLearning



The Secrets of Successful Blended Learning

London (UK)/ Karlsruhe(GER), January 2017 - Open-source learning experts Totara Learning will be sharing an insight into creating successful blended learning at LEARNTEC. The event takes place at Karlsruhe, Germany’s Trade Fair Centre, 24-26 January 2017.


With Learning Nexus

Student Loans Company Launches Digital Learning Academy

London / Gloucester (UK), September 2016 - The Student Loans Company (SLC) has successfully launched Totara LMS based Digital Learning Academy with Learning Nexus to help meet L&D objectives. In September 2015, the company issued a tender to find the right eLearning solution that would help deliver its leaning-and-development strategy to over 3000 staff at its sites in Glasgow, Darlington, and Llandudno Junction. Following a competitive tender exercise, the contract was awarded to Learning Nexus.



Totara LMS Powers First Humanitarian-Relief Academy

Kaya-platformDenver, CO (USA), July 2016 - Totara Learning is delighted to announce that Totara LMS is powering Kaya – the one-stop digital humanitarian learning platform – hosted by the Humanitarian Leadership Academy. The Humanitarian Leadership Academy will enable local people around the world to prepare for disasters and emergencies in their own countries. 



Open Source LMS als rundumsorglos Paket

Wien/München, Juli 2016 - Viele Unternehmen haben noch kein Learning Management System im Einsatz und möchten auch die Ressourcen einer umfassenden Implementierung nicht aufwenden. Trotzdem wollen viele bei der Einführung einer neuen Anwendung nicht auf ein funktional ausgereiftes System verzichten. Als Totara LMS Partner im DACH-Raum kennt LearnChamp diese Anforderungen von Kunden nur zu gut und hat darauf reagiert.


North America

Remote-Learner Joins the Global Totara Partner Network

Denver, CO (USA), May 2016 - Totara Learning is delighted to welcome Remote-Learner to the global Totara Partner network. As a long-standing leader in the world of open-source eLearning platforms, Remote-Learner consistently provides innovation in learning and training solutions. Through this partnership, the Denver-based company can now offer the award-winning Totara platform to the business, government, and education markets in North America. 


Dossier Solutions

Totara Supports Customers in Highly Regulated Industries

Brighton (UK), April 2016 - Totara Learning is delighted to welcome Norwegian Partner Dossier Solutions to its expanding global partner network to support customers in highly regulated industries. Dossier Solutions, which is headquartered in Oslo and has offices in Copenhagen and California, offers its customers compliance and talent-management solutions.