Join the Broadband World Forum 2011
The Forum has long been established as the place to meet and discuss the commercial and technical opportunities, developments, and issues surrounding broadband. Its four streams - Broadband Business Strategy, Broadband Service Deployment, Network Evolution, and Access Evolution - will run across the three days and cover a wide range of topics that include Deploying Next Generation Broadband, IP Evolution, The Broadband Home, and FTTH.
The Conference will also include an executive, invitation-only, Leadership Summit and two vertical market sessions on Connected Transport and Smart Energy.
In addition, each day will start with a series of keynote sessions from a number of global industry executives covering the latest innovations in the broadband realm. This year's keynote line-up includes Kevin Lo, General Manager of Google; Myung Sung Lee, Senior Vice President, Technology Strategy, CTO and Executive Vice President, u-CityBusiness Division, SK Telecom; and Eric Klinker, CEO of BitTorrent Inc.
The new conference structure features analyst breakfast briefings, more keynote sessions, a choice of four tracks, and an exhibition including 200 companies. The Broadband InfoVision Awards 2011 will also be presented during a gala dinner cruise on the evening of day one.