EDEN Seeks Gender Balance
EDEN is committed to providing equal access and opportunity for all the services it makes available. Provisions will be made to support people with disability to take part as much as possible in all Conference activities.
EDEN holds annual conferences that attract more than 550 participants. Every two years, it also convenes conferences on research and the schools sector. The organization has launched and supports the European Journal of Open, Distance and ELearning (EURODL), and provides support and advice for a range of projects in the European sphere. EDEN is the smart network for the professional community and a professional community for smart learning.
Established in 1991, EDEN is an international educational association open to institutions and individuals dealing with eLearning, open, and distance education. Providing versatile expertise, the Association embraces all levels of formal and non-formal education and training. EDEN is a not-for-profit organization, registered as a limited Company under English law.
As a key asset, EDEN has a strong background in its active membership, which is open to anyone with an interest in open, distance, flexible, and eLearning, particularly at traditional universities, national professional associations, and institutions. By joining EDEN, you become part of the largest active and dynamically developing professional community of experts and practitioners of electronic distance education. Members represent 52 countries from Europe and other continents.
Since 1997, the Secretariat of the Association has been hosted by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.