Learning Forum London
The Learning Forum London brings together policy makers, researchers, teachers, trainers, human resource managers, and technologists. As a thematic event, it allows an in-depth and broad exploration of the issues - and results in real outcomes. Past events have resulted in the creation of national and international networks, contributions to policies, contributions to standardisation bodies, the establishment of partnerships with other communities in the field of digital identity and human resource standards, transnational projects, and numerous publications.
The year 2009 has been declared the European Year of Creativity and Innovation and is proposed as a cross-cutting initiative, covering not only education and culture, but also other policy domains such as enterprise, media, research, social and regional policy, and rural development.
Questions addressed at the conference include: How do we promote innovation and creativity? Can technology provide a seamless environment between creative and innovative practice and accountability-”for example 'creative' individual ePortfolios and 'accountable' organisational ePortfolios designed for quality assurance? How are learning networks and communities encouraging new approaches to the way we learn, work, and live?
The appearance of Dr. Helen Barrett as keynote speaker has recently been confirmed. Dr. Barrett will discuss the impact of Web 2.0 on ePortfolio developments in US education.
The call for contributions is now extended until 15 April 2009. Authors who have submitted before 16 March will be notified as initially planned.
The revised dates:
16 March - 15 April 2009: Extended deadline for submissions (between 500 and 750 words)
30 March 2009: Notification of acceptance to authors (30 April for extended deadline)
17 April 2009: Author registration deadline to be included in the programme (1 May for extended deadline)
15 May 2009: Deadline for receipt of revised abstracts and papers