LINE Delivers Air Power Training Programme to the RAF | CHECK.point eLearning
Flying High

LINE Delivers Air Power Training Programme to the RAF

London (UK), March 2009 - LINE Communications, a supplier of eLearning content and consultancy, has developed and delivered the final part of the RAF's Air Power Study Pack. The eLearning programme forms part of a larger Air Power initiative that will enhance junior officers' knowledge and understanding of Air Power within the Royal Air Force.

The overall training initiative comprises Air Power Study Packs 1 and 2, which cover the history and development of Air Power as well as Air Power fundamentals. The RAF commissioned LINE to produce Air Power Study Pack 3, which gives personnel the opportunity to study the application of Air Power in more detail and bring personnel up to the level of the Basic Air Warfare Course (BAWC).

In a ceremony at RAF Cranfield, LINE handed the programme over to Group Captain John Jupp, DACOS GETC.

Squadron Leader John Crewe comments, "LINE has provided the RAF with a highly professional product, which is the final part in a trilogy of Air Power distance-learning packs. The suite of Air Power Study Packs is at the forefront of the RAF's move to increase distance learning opportunities for its personnel and to make distance learning an integral part of the way we deliver education and training."

All three parts of the pack are soon to be launched on the Defence Learning Portal (DLP).