ALT and Ascilite Sign Agreement
The MoU was signed in September 2008 at ALT's annual conference on learning technology, ALT-C in Leeds. Chief Executive of ALT, Seb Schmoller, says, "The overall purpose of this MoU is to put collaboration between ALT and ascilite on a firm footing, to reduce duplication of effort, to promote efficient use of resources, and to ensure fruitful synergy."
Cathy Gunn, President of ascilite, adds, "Synergies will be encouraged through initiatives such as encouraging and stimulating collaboration between people, projects, and organizations involved in technology-supported teaching, learning, and research to help promote good practice."
The agreement further intends to promote the sharing of organizational knowledge, resources, facilities, and member services by connecting with existing professional networks and fostering working relationships within international communities of educational practice. It is meant to initiate sustainable joint activities to develop and disseminate knowledge, expertise, and experience related to the aims of the parties and related organizations.