International Online Conference Sponsored by REAP
The conference is part of the REAP project, a £1m initiative funded by the Scottish Funding Council under its eLearning Transformation initiative. REAP is a collaboration among the University of Strathclyde, the University of Glasgow, and Glasgow Caledonian University. REAP is evaluating the impact of new assessment practices supported by technology at course, faculty and institutional levels.
Focusing on assessment for learning in tertiary education, the conference has three themes to be addressed through keynotes, case studies, and structured discussions.
Theme 1: Assessment and the first year experience
Theme 2: Great designs for assessment
Theme 3: Institutional strategies (designs) for assessment
Keynote speaker include Mantz Yorke (Visiting Professor in the Department of Educational Research, Lancaster University, UK), David Boud (Professor of Adult Education and Dean of the University Graduate School at the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia), and Trudy Banta (Professor of Higher Education and Vice-Chancellor of Planning and Institutional Improvement at Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis, USA).
To attend the conference, participants are asked to submit a short reflective case study of an assessment design or institutional strategy that promotes 'assessment FOR learning' at course, faculty, or institutional level. These should be submitted by 28 March 2007. Alternatively, participants can submit a set of principles of good assessment and feedback practice or some 'questions worth asking' about assessment theory or practice by 28 March 2007. Another additional or alternative option for participants is to join the discussions online on 29-31 May 2007.
Registration is free but all participants must register between 10-18 May 2007