Something Old, Something New for dominKnow Learning Systems | CHECK.point eLearning
Best of Elearning! Awards

Something Old, Something New for dominKnow Learning Systems

Ottawa (CA), December 2016 - For dominKnow Learning Systems, it's both something old AND something new. Winners of the "Top Learning Content Management System" for the second year in a row, dominKnow has also added an Award of Excellence in "Mobile Authoring" in this year's edition of the prestigious Elearning! Magazine Best of Elearning! Awards.

"We're very excited to be double honourees," says dominKnow CEO Luke Hickey. "Getting recognized by the eLearning-technology user community for both our learning-content-management capabilities and our responsive authoring tool released earlier this year is especially rewarding and a real testament to our team's vision for what content authoring and publishing can be."

The "Best of Elearning!" awards honour best-in-class solutions across the learning and technology marketplace. As the industry's only users'-choice awards, nominations are made directly by the users of solutions. 

This year dominKnow won "Top LCMS" for the second year in a row and also received an "Award of Excellence" for Flow, their content-authoring tool that outputs fully responsive and adaptive content.

"There's been a rush for authoring-tool vendors to get on the responsive bandwagon," says Hickey. "We've been here a long while and learned early on that it's not just about shifting content to fit screen sizes. Most authoring tools force users to dumb things down with templated, fill-in-the-blank, or block approaches to responsive content creation. It helps get stuff out the door and satisfy the responsive check box, but it often doesn't satisfy the learning need."

dominKnow's approach to responsive design allows for all the same powerful, rich-content development capabilities authors have come to expect with the dominKnow Platform, while providing an intelligent authoring framework with dynamic themes and components that take care of the underlying presentation details automatically. 

Flow is the perfect addition to dominKnow's authoring and publishing platform. Designed from the ground up to fully support an organization's learning-content strategy, the dominKnow Platform allows learning-development teams to collaboratively gather, design, create, review, share, reuse, deliver, and measure content that can be used to help learners at multiple times of need, from formal learning through to application on the job - no matter how they need to access it.

"Organizations are awaking to the importance content plays as a competitive differentiator," states Hickey, "and are now demanding tools and processes that allow them to gather, create, organize, disperse, measure, and re-use learning content in multiple ways, across multiple learning vehicles."
The dominKnow Platform supports the creation and delivery of single-source, multi-purpose content that is easily monitored and measured, so organizations can see who is using what content and how effective the learning interaction has been.

dominKnow's open standards and protocols approach to system design means content developed and managed using the dominKnow Platform is fully sustainable throughout the content lifecycle, offering a future-proof learning-content-management solution.