The Millennial Challenge: Can We Make Them Stay? | CHECK.point eLearning

The Millennial Challenge: Can We Make Them Stay?

Brighton (UK), July 2016 - On 14 July, LEO’s Kath Fleet (Learning Consultant) and Andy Costello (Solutions Director) will be hosting a webinar to explore a hot topic in L&D today: the Millennial challenge.

The term "Millennial" is widely used today, but it's important to understand exactly who Millennials are and what impact they are having on the business world. On average, a Millennial employee moves on after just three years, taking their potential with them and costing valuable time and money to replace.

The webinar will look at the Millennial event horizon, including what is meant by the term itself, and explore the Millennial challenge in detail, asking whether the very concept of Millennials should be challenged and whether it is indeed possible to retain them.

Those joining "The Millennial Challenge: Can We Make Them Stay?" will investigate the answers to these questions and the solutions available, including what this means for learning design and how to keep Millennials engaged.

Kath Fleet said, "Employee engagement has never been more important to global business than it is today. Evidence shows that when employees are engaged, they stay. Moving learning and development to the heart of business strategy is not only sensible, it's crucial."

The webinar takes place at 3 pm GMT, 14 July.