IMC Publishes the Latest Versions of Its Learning Technologies | CHECK.point eLearning
Innovation Pack 7

IMC Publishes the Latest Versions of Its Learning Technologies

Saarbrücken (GER), June 2016 - While the eLearning industry keeps developing at high speed, IMC AG, a German-based full-service provider of digital training, continues to set new benchmarks in terms of usability, innovation, and efficiency of processes in digital learning. The company recently unveiled the latest enhancements of its solutions: the Learning Management System, IMC Learning Suite, the Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS), IMC Process Guide, and the eLearning authoring software, IMC Content Studio.

Personalised learning
IMC's user-friendly learning-management system provides a learning environment that can be tailored easily to employees' individual learning needs. This not only includes prioritisation and a clear distinction of learning contents into compulsory courses and courses that have already been booked; it also presents the employees with automatically generated learning suggestions and learning paths.

The organisation benefits from the intelligent personalisation, too. Companies create their individual working environment, for example via company-specific software solutions. Open programming interfaces (known as Open APIs) and plugins for Typo 3 allow for IMC Learning Suite to be integrated into all existing applications within the company, enabling the seamless transfer of information generated by the LMS into the organisation’s proprietary content-management system. And with numerous Typo 3 templates, it is also possible to give employees access to their own user interface. This enhancement will make learning an integrated component of any organisation, and it will also significantly reduce barriers that users may experience upon entry.

The new product version of IMC Process Guide, IMC's EPSS, also focuses on personalisation. This will allow all employees to set their own, very individual assistance. In addition to the support set by the organisation, this individual assistance will always be available at the right position and at the right time, helping to facilitate everyday work.

The current update of IMC's authoring software IMC Content Studio also highlights personalisation and increases efficiency while learning. In this version, existing course templates can be personalised easily in order to make them reusable for other courses.


For increased employee motivation and in order to support the establishment of a sustainable learning culture within the organisation, IMC's LMS now features a sophisticated experience-point system that is connected to an experience path. Employees can be rewarded, e.g. when signing up for a course, when having passed a test, or for their contribution to a forum. The points obtained will be directly posted to the employee's profile.