Dutch Learning Organisation Gains Accreditation from the LPI | CHECK.point eLearning
A New Spring

Dutch Learning Organisation Gains Accreditation from the LPI

Rotterdam (NL), June 2016 - The Learning & Performance Institute (LPI) is pleased to announce that following a rigorous consultative audit, Rotterdam-based technology company A New Spring B.V., has been recognised as achieving the highest benchmark of excellence against which other L&D technology organisations are measured.

LPI Accreditation programmes are designed to bring best practice into organisations focusing on the formal recognition of an organisation's management, direction, operation, and business processes. They benchmark performance against best-practice key performance indicators, verify compliance with recognised standards, and incorporate an established Code of Practice. The Learning Technology Accreditation is designed for companies that provide communication, information, and related technologies which can be used to support learning, teaching, and assessment.

The LPI has accredited thousands of organisations worldwide, and A New Spring joins a growing number of organisations in the Netherlands demonstrating their commitment to raising standards in learning though Institute accreditation.

Henriette Kloots, LPI Business Partner for the Benelux region, said, "A New Spring's learning platform is constantly improving and adapting to suit the needs of the learner. Having A New Spring formally recognised as an LPI accredited technology demonstrates to the market that they are on top of the developments within their line of work and have great ambition for growing internationally in the future. Working with the Learning and Performance Institute will assist A New Spring to continuously improve its services and help to raise its profile internationally."

Brant Seethaler, Commercial Director, A New Spring, said, "A New Spring is dedicated to helping training organisations deliver more impactful learning through the use of technology. We are pleased to join the LPI, whose goal is the continuing development of the L&D industry. By joining this international network of peers, we hope to contribute with ideas and innovation to further the mission of the LPI."

Edmund Monk, Managing Director of The Learning and Performance Institute, added, "We are excited to welcome another Dutch company to the LPI community of accredited organisations - this is a truly global programme that recognises and promotes outstanding performers in their field. All the people at A New Spring can now look forward to continuing their excellent performance against challenging goals and, in doing so, be very proud of their achievement."