Tenth eLearning Forum Asia 2015
Innovations in education have transformed the higher-education landscape over the past decade. Recent advances in technology have extended the reach of education to previously under-served populations, making learning more inclusive (e.g., with assistive technology and MOOCs) and personalised (e.g., through the use of learning analytics).
At the same time, learning is now more thoughtfully designed to be student centred, incorporating appropriate uses of technology that enhance, enrich, and lead to more satisfying and personalised learning experiences. Educators have also actively experimented with innovative teaching practices that tap technology and incorporate it in active and collaborative learning.
The theme for eLFA2015 – "Innovations In Education: Responding Intelligently to Diverse Learning Needs" – takes a close look at recent developments and innovations in the education ecosystem, with a view to identifying emerging technologies and innovative pedagogical practices that will become the mainstay of the educational landscape in the next decade.
Together, participants and delegates will identify and share novel ideas, pedagogical approaches, and educational technology that they have successfully incorporated in their teaching, learning design, and assessment of students’ learning in both formal and informal contexts.