Eleventh International Conference on Web-based Learning
The topics discussed include but are not limited to
- intelligent tools for visual learning
- web-based learning for learning Oriental languages
- computer-supported collaborative learning
- HTML5 web-based learning
- human factors and affective computing for learning
- design, model, and framework of eLearning systems
- pedagogical issues.
Accepted workshops include the symposium on Knowledge Management and E-Learning (KMEL 2012), a workshop on Creative Collaboration through Supportive Technologies in Education (CCSTED 2012), a workshop on Learning within and from the -œSmart Cities- (SCiLearn 2012), as well as a workshop on New Approaches to Serious Games (IWNASG 2012).
These workshops provide participants with the opportunity to present and discuss novel research ideas related to active and emerging topics in web-based learning.
The first ICWL was held in Hong Kong in 2002. Since then, it has been held in Australia (2003), China (2004), Hong Kong (2005), Malaysia (2006), United Kingdom (2007), China (2008), Germany (2009), China (2010), and Hong Kong (2011).