Embedding Video and Videoconferencing in Education | CHECK.point eLearning
Event in Belgium

Embedding Video and Videoconferencing in Education

Leuven (BE), May 2012 - The twelfth edition of DIVERSE will take place at the STUK Arts Centre in Leuven, Belgium, 03-06 July 2012. The Conference is organized by the Media and Learning Unit, KU Leuven in co-operation with the Diverse Network.

DIVERSE tackles all aspects of video and videoconferencing in education: teaching, research, management, etc. Key Conference topics include the convergence of these technologies with online technologies, the emergence of new possibilities such as -œpresence production- for learning, interactive television, virtual reality and computer-games techniques, and handheld access to moving images.

Since the beginning of this conference in 2001, DIVERSE has been geared at people interested in embedding video and video communication (conferencing) technologies into educational practice: teachers, technical-support staff, researchers, staff and educational developers, and project managers.

The event provides excellent opportunities for formal and informal networking with experts in the field from all over the globe. The Conference is both a showcase and a critical forum related to all aspects of visual resources in education through plenary and themed sessions.

The main theme of the 2012 conference is "Enrich the learning experience."

This sets the agenda for in-depth discussions, presentations, and networking sessions on questions such as the enrichment of learning materials, the design of online and offline spaces that support teaching and learning, the use of digital media to reach out to elderly or people with special needs, and the opportunities provided by information and communication technologies in the context of medical and healthcare education.