Planning and Growing Online Learning Initiatives
Many institutions wanting to improve student access and increase degree completion rates are looking to online programs and courses as a way to meet these objectives. Most, however, are developing online programs with little or no strategic planning and without proper alignment to institutional mission and goals, all of which may result in limited success or even failure.
This conference will provide strategies and insights from the collective experience of experts that will be of value to members of universities and colleges just starting online learning at their institutions, as well as others seeking to expand existing online efforts.
The event is geared toward mid- and senior-level academic administrators in the early stages of developing or growing online programs; they will benefit greatly from taking part. Participants are encouraged to bring other members of their academic program's planning team.
The Conference is structured to balance information sharing, targeted learning activities, group work, and collaboration with colleagues. Through the use of case studies and collaborative work, participants will be able to directly apply the knowledge they have gained during the Conference, while receiving guidance from the instructors.
Participants will leave this gathering with a working plan for immediate use at their institutions. New Title IV state authorization rules and future trends, models, and challenges will be incorporated throughout the program.