Keynote Speakers to Bring Passion and Expertise
Keynote speakers
Beeban Kidron. founder of the nationwide FilmClub in the UK and well-known film and documentary director will share her thoughts about film and media literacy. Beeban’s most recent documentary, “InRealLife”, raises important questions about the value and impact of the Internet on young people everywhere.
Renee Hobbs is an internationally recognized authority on digital and media literacy education and will be speaking specifically about how teacher motivation shapes digital learning. She will describe recent research designed to identify twelve distinct motivations for using media and technology in the context of teaching and learning.
Derrick de Kerckhove is former Director of the McLuhan Program in Culture & Technology at the University of Toronto and a well-respected researcher and outspoken voice in the fields of technopsychology, psychotechnology, neuro-cultural research, art and communication technologies, media theory, and connected intelligence.
Stijn Coninx is a well-known Belgian film and television director who has also advised the Flemish Ministry of Education on image literacy. He will join Beeban Kidron for a discussion on what, if any, relationship exists between film and education.
Aidan Chambers is a British author of children's and young-adult novels. Last year he launched his own iPad app TABLET TALES, with which he is beginning to explore the effect on his own work of writing for the iPad. Aidan will share his thoughts on the impact of technology on the status of reading in our society.
Sian Bayne is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Education and Associate Dean in the College of Humanities and Social Science at the University of Edinburgh. Sian is heavily involved in MOOCs and will explore the management of content and the whole topic of curating media-rich resources in her presentation.
Russell Stannard is an international teacher trainer in ICT and CEO of one of the planet’s most popular video sites for teachers. He will share his experience of using video for teaching and learning and describe how the content for the site is produced, how the site is promoted using social networking, and what feedback the site has received.
Yves Punie is a well-known European researcher in the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS). He will present the case for a systemic change towards a more open and innovative form of learning based on findings in Europe and Asia.
José Manuel Pérez Tornero, from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain has been leading the EMEDUS research team in their efforts to explore the current state of media literacy in Europe. José Manuel will provide an overview of the research team’s findings and recommendations.