ASEE: Abstract Deadline 22 January 2016
Members of the ASEE and global engineering education communities are invited to submit abstracts for papers to be presented at the 2016 ASEE International Forum highlighting initiatives, projects, research, trends, programs, and partnerships. There is particular interest in engineering education activities involving multiple nations. The abstracts and subsequent papers will be evaluated by a review committee for quality and best fit, with the aim of planning well-balanced sessions. Papers not selected for a podium presentation may be eligible for a poster session. The program will include but not limited to two (2) sessions with three (3) parallel tracks each.
Papers will be accepted for the following topics:
- Accreditation
- Modifying cross-cultural attitudes through international programs
- Best practices in various approaches for globalization of education and research
- Student programs
- Engineering education in developing nations
- Successful partnerships; industry, academia, government, multiple nations
- Global learning in engineering
- Ethics in global engineering education
Additional topics in international engineering education will be considered.
Important Dates and Deadlines (All deadlines are 4:59 pm Eastern Time.)
14 October 2015: abstract submission open
04 January 2016: registration opens
22 January 2016: abstract submission closed
17 February 2016: abstract decision
12 March 2016: final paper submissions due
01 April 2016: final paper review due
08 April 2016: notification of authors
29 April2016: final paper due