Third EC-TEL to Take Place in Maastricht
In the context of EC-TEL 2008, workshop proposals on challenging topics that discuss specific issues relating to TEL are invited. The workshops at EC-TEL 2008 are expected to look beyond recent achievements to discuss specific topics, emerging research issues, new trends, and endeavors in TEL. The workshops should provide an excellent forum for discussion, so that novel work not yet finalized can be presented in an amicable and supportive environment.
EC-TEL 2008 offers the usual serviced workshops - to be held at the conference venue - where registration, catering, room allocation, and audiovisual equipment will be arranged for by the conference organizers. The workshops will take place on Wednesday, before the actual conference starts and can be either a half day or a whole day in duration.
The workshop proceedings will be published online as part of the CEUR Workshop proceedings series. The deadline for submission of proposals for workshops is April 1, 2008.