The Bild: Engagement in Learning | CHECK.point eLearning
Annual Conference

The Bild: Engagement in Learning

London (UK), April 2008 - The BILD Annual Conference: Engagement in Learning, is the authoritative event on engaging work-based learners. This one-day event on Thursday, 12 June 2008 in the CBI Conference Centre, London WC1, features top experts and practitioners from leading organisations such as the Institute of Directors, Becta, National Grid, and the University for Industry (Ufi).

Attending this conference will ensure that participants are abreast of the latest innovative thoughts in learning, training, and development, including serious games, coaching and support mechanisms, drama in training, the "New Standard", and the role of e-portfolios in qualifications.

Work-based learning is becoming increasingly commonplace as employers and individuals realise the benefits of plugging skills gaps with enhanced training in the workplace. Engagement in learning will help clarify the role of engaging learners and will help to update the skills taken back to the organisation. With a mixture of both theory and practical examples, learning how to make an impact in the workplace and to anticipate future developments in the topic are guaranteed outcomes for attendees.