Technology-Assisted Learning and Training for Defence | CHECK.point eLearning

Technology-Assisted Learning and Training for Defence

Berlin (GER), November 2008 - The fourth International Forum on Technology-Assisted Learning and Training for Defence, Security, and Emergency Services takes place on December 3 in conjunction with ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN and is hosted by the New Security Foundation. The Forum brings together leading figures from government, business, security, and academia.

Following the success of the three previous forums, Security and Defence Learning 2008 will review the new training challenges facing today's security and emergency services, assess the impact of new technology, and consider the potential for future development.

Speakers include Lt. Colonel Omar Begoidze, Military Representative of the Georgian Mission to NATO, Professor Allyson MacVean, Institute of Policing and Criminal Justice, University of Cumbria, UK, and Dr. Christian Humborg, Director of Transparency International, Germany.

Technology is changing the world of security. In an increasingly inter-linked global security environment, new threats and challenges have created an urgent need for imaginative new responses. Nowhere is this more evident than in the area of education and training, where technology is bringing new advantages and opportunities.

Security and Defence Learning 2008 will be accompanied by a parallel exhibition, which will give organisations an opportunity to display their goods, products, and services to the Forum participants. Located adjacent to the meeting room, the exhibition provides an ideal location for companies to meet delegates in a relaxed and informal atmosphere and to establish and strengthen valuable personal contacts.

There is still a variety of sponsorship opportunities available to organisations interested in positioning themselves as key players in the Security and Defence-Training industry. Exhibitors will have visibility before, during, and after the event through an expansive, effective marketing and PR campaign.