State of the Art of CV Interoperability | CHECK.point eLearning
CV 2007 in Paris

State of the Art of CV Interoperability

Paris (FR), April 2007 - The EifEL association is organizing a day-and-a-half-long seminar on the issue of CV interoperablity and exploitation. The event will take place in Paris, France on 18-19 June 2007. It is hosted by the IMI institute, a department of the Université de Technologie de Compiègne in Paris, France.

The seminar's main goal is to establish the state of the art of CV interoperability and define the main elements to take into account in the next version of the HR-XML specifications, while integrating the link with digital identity management.

While job applicants, employers, job boards, and public employment services exchange millions of curriculum vitae each year, very few of the systems managing CVs are able to share information in a meaningful way. Increasing the level of interoperability between the various stakeholders could lead to far better service and huge savings. With agreed structures and vocabularies, the semantic value of the information contained in CVs will be greatly increased.

The Europass initiative, which is concerned with assuring transparency and transferability of qualifications, is a strong driver in the development of the expertise required to make personnel-related information systems fully interoperable in order to reduce recruitment and other HR costs.

The seminar is organized by EIfEL, a non-profit European professional association that supports organizations providing or using technologies to support individual and organizational learning. The Institut du Management de l'Information (IMI), a department of the prestigious Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC) in Paris, is hosting the seminar.

The event will be of particular interest to human resource professionals, public and private employment services, policy and decision makers, and information system experts. The seminar will be conducted in English.