Register for the First Moodle Research Conference | CHECK.point eLearning
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Register for the First Moodle Research Conference

Heraklion (GR), June 2012 - The Moodle Research Conference is a major event for academics, researchers, experts and practitioners. It is being held 14-15 September 2012 on the historic island of Crete, Greece. Registration for participation is now open!

This event is designed to facilitate the sharing of experiences, research achievements, and innovative developments with Moodle. It is a unique opportunity to participate in an event dedicated to research and development (R&D) on learning and teaching carried out with Moodle. The Conference will provide opportunities for sharing, discussing, and providing constructive criticism of research outcomes and methods.

Participants will have opportunities to connect with peers, learn about new Moodle R&D trends, and debate research ideas that could improve the design of Moodle in the future.

A keynote speech will be delivered by Martin Dougiamas, the founder of Moodle. Topics discussed at the Conference include (for example) research studies and case studies on teaching with Moodle, mobile learning with Moodle, innovative Moodle plug-ins, as well as Moodle's interoperability, accessibility, and adaptivity.

This first Moodle Research Conference is organised by Moodle and ITisART Ltd, with the support of the CoSyLlab, University of Piraeus.