Preparing the Workforce for the Information Society
The ICAE is organized once every four years. The first edition, in 2002, dedicated to "Institutions of Adult Education" was followed in 2006 by the "Legislation and Context in Adult Education". The third edition, in 2010, will bring to discussion a new and essential aspect of contemporary education: "Preparing the Workforce for the Information Society".
The third ICAE conference will be organized by the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi and the International Continuing and Adult Education Hall of Fame in the city of Iasi, Romania. It will join the manifestations dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the University.
This year's conference has the advantage of good knowledge in the area of European and international documents regarding education policy, as well as in CONFINTEA I-V and the preparation documents of CONFINTEA VI, whose main idea is that continuing adult education is one of the fundamental human rights.
The new forms of social organization and communication require adaptation and development of new skills and specific competences. The third International Conference on Adult Education will underline the importance of the new communication technologies. The symposium and debate sessions are based on the hypothesis that the new communication technologies comprise essential instruments in achieving the continuing and adult educational objectives.
The Conference will initiate and support a dialog between specialists and practitioners from continuing education and adult education, a forum considering NGOs - local, regional, national, as well as international organizations' active participation in the public and private areas, regarding the opportunities of workforce development in the new conditions of the informational society.
The Conference hosts the Hall of Fame Symposium on 27 April 2010, the Human Rights and Labour Force Legislation International Symposium (IRDO), and a Doctoral Consortium on 28 April 2010.
Keynotes speakers include:
Prof. Dr. Marcie Boucouvalas, International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame, USA; Prof. Dr. Vasile Iºan, rector of "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, RO; and Prof. Dr. Carol E. Kasworm, North Carolina State University, USA.
The official languages of the Conference are Romanian and English.