Multi-disciplinary Forum for Multimedia and Hypermedia | CHECK.point eLearning

Multi-disciplinary Forum for Multimedia and Hypermedia

Toronto (CA), April 2010 - ED-MEDIA, the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications is an international event organized by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). It is being held in Toronto, Canada, 29 Jun-02 Jul 2010.

ED-MEDIA spans all disciplines and levels of education and annually attracts more than 1,500 leaders in the field from over seventy countries.

Proposals for papers, panels, roundtables, tutorials, workshops, posters/demonstrations, corporate showcases/demos, and SIG discussions are now invited for submission. The Conference review policy requires that each proposal be peer reviewed for inclusion in the conference program, proceedings book, and online proceedings available on EdITLib - the Education and Information Technology Digital Library. The submission deadline is 12 April 2010.

The scope of the conference includes, but is not limited to, the following major topics as they relate to the educational and developmental aspects of multimedia/hypermedia and telecommunications:

  1. infrastructure
  2. tools and content-oriented applications
  3. new roles of the instructor and learner
  4. human-computer interaction (hci/chi)
  5. cases and projects
  6. universal web accessibility
  7. indigenous peoples and technology

The technical program includes a wide range of interesting and useful activities designed to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information.

A variety of opportunities are available to present research-oriented papers or to showcase and market your products and services. For information about corporate showcases (thirty minutes) and corporate demonstrations (two hours, scheduled with the poster/demos), please visit these website.