Learning, Freedom and the Web - Mozilla Drumbeat 2010 | CHECK.point eLearning
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Learning, Freedom and the Web - Mozilla Drumbeat 2010

Barcelona (ES), September 2010 - The open nature of the internet is revolutionizing how we learn. Mozilla's 2010 Drumbeat Festival will gather teachers, learners, and technologists from around the world who are at the heart of this revolution. Join them in Barcelona for three days of making, teaching, hacking, inventing, and shaping the future of education and the web.

Discussion topics will include data portability, open educational resources, secure and decentralized storage in the cloud, open content licenses, and open user-controlled online identity. Web-tech companies, P2P university course leaders, hackerspaces, online identity experts, wikipedians, software developers, filmmakers, web-standards nerds, open-web activists, web developers, teachers, foundations, and learners of all stripes are invited to join the festival.

The drumbeat festival offers all kinds of spaces where participants can teach and learn: studios, labs, playgrounds, classrooms, and even a few tents in the public square. Each space will provide a place to dive deep and get your hands dirty with some of the most interesting ideas at the intersection of learning, freedom, and the web.

Of course there will also be a main stage. It will include keynotes by Joi Ito, Brenda Gourley, Bre Pettis, Mitchell Baker, and others. It will also include rolling demos and report-backs from labs, studios, and tents from across the Festival.

Participants can propose Festival programme ideas in advance or organize an ad hoc group in Barcelona. Volunteers can help with promotion before and during the Festival, document everything we build together in images and text, and roll up their sleeves to help other participants register and navigate the Festival. Registration fees are waived for anyone who makes a significant contribution.