Innovation, Learning, and Learning Innovation in Europe
Teams of experts will hold workshops, introducing comprehensive initiatives in interactive settings. Papers (double peer reviewed) accepted for presentation will be published on the Conference CD Proceedings and their summary in the Book of Abstracts. Poster and short demonstration sessions will also be organised, presenting concise innovative achievements.
EDEN (the European Distance and Elearning Network) invites participants to the "Hub of Elearning Innovation" in June 2009, to make the EDEN Conference once again the leading showcase of progressive ideas and inventions, many of which will certainly develop into valuable innovations.
The main topics include: a sharing of inventions for tomorrow, discussions about what needs to be invented and implemented in technology-enabled learning environments, new trends in innovation and creativity for education. The sessions will offer intensive networking, partnership building, and collaboration opportunities.
The deadline for contributions (including workshop ideas and posters) is January 16, 2009, and notification of acceptance will be sent on March 31 2009. General registration opens at the end of January 2009.
The new Gdansk Music and Congress Centre and the adjoining Polish Maritime Museum, both located on Olawianka Island in the heart of the Old Town - which is adorned with captivating architecture - will host the EDEN 2009 Conference.