European Conference on Pattern Languages | CHECK.point eLearning

European Conference on Pattern Languages

Kloster Irsee (GER), May 2012 - EuroPLoP™ is a European conference on pattern languages. The Conference offers a variety of workshops to learn about patterns, to receive feedback, and to discuss patterns with fellow enthusiasts. It will be held at Kloster Irsee in Germany, 11-15 July 2012.

The core of EuroPLoP is a series of writers' workshops where authors collaborate to improve their papers. Before patterns or other papers are accepted for a writers' workshop, they are shepherded non-anonymously. This means that an experienced author will discuss the submission with the author, so that she or he can refine the paper prior to the event. All submissions will be peer reviewed.

You have never written a pattern before. Why should you do so?

Patterns are a great way of getting a new view on things that you think you know by heart.
Patterns are a way to pass on your knowledge to others in an easily understandable way.
Patterns make your thoughts available to others to give you feedback.

The Conference is a unique venue to exchange knowledge about best practices and learn from other experts in various fields. These fields include software, pedagogy, business, and organization, as well as HCI.

Join an experience that combines outstanding technical events with a visit to the lovely Bavarian countryside.