Discuss Education and eLearning Innovations in Tunisia | CHECK.point eLearning
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Discuss Education and eLearning Innovations in Tunisia

Sousse (TN), May 2012 - ICEELI 2012 will be held in Sousse 01-03 July 2012, providing a forum for researchers, developers, and educationalists in education and eLearning. It analyses methodologies, technologies, planning and implementation, tools, and standards in education and eLearning.

The recent innovations in education and eLearning are considered among the most important factors driving changes in various sectors of our knowledge society. Learning technologies used in the education field are reshaping educational activities towards more adaptation and availability for the benefit of the learner.

The main objective of ICEELI 2012 is to support collaboration among disciplines involved in the implementation of innovative technologies in the field of education.

Keynote speakers include Prof. Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub, Vice Rector for Quality and Development at Dar Al-Uloom University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Prof. Hossam Hassanein from the School of Computing ® University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

Hossama Hassein will speak about the -œInternet of Things - Smarter Solutions, Smarter Spaces-, arguing that the concept of Internet of Things (IoT) is opening new horizons in systems intelligence, where physical objects embedded with sensory, identification, and networking capabilities can interact with other objects through the global infrastructure of both the wireless and wired Internet.

He will also discuss the opportunities of the IoT, among which are smarter solutions and spaces, also covering some of the activities at the Telecommunication Research lab at Queen's University towards the realization of true "smart spaces". One such example is SocioSpace, a system capable of delivering targeted personalized services and content to customers and end users occupying a SocioSpace-enabled environment.