Conference on Employability and Lifelong Learning
Now in its fifth year, the conference brings together policy-makers, researchers, teachers, trainers, human resource managers, and technologists. As a thematic event devoted to one domain, it allows in-depth and broad exploration of the issues - and supports results in real outcomes. Past events have resulted in the creation of national and international networks, contribution to ePortfolio policy, the launch of the ePortfolio for All campaign, progress in ePortfolio interoperability through the Plugfest, trans-national projects, and numerous publications. The aims of this year's conference are to build on this work and focus in particular on the role of the ePortfolio in the development and implementation of lifelong employability.
The event takes place over three days (there will be English and Dutch tracks):
- 17 October: pre-conference workshops - a Plugfest for engineers and technology specialists and ePortfolio workshops, as well as meetings for special interest groups.
- 18-19 October: the main conference
The conference is organized by EIfEL,, the non-profit European professional association, whose mission it is to support organizations providing or using technologies to support individual and organizational learning.