Co-operation between SC36/WG5 and Online Educa Berlin
The session "Improving eLearning Quality and Implementation" at the upcoming Online Educa Berlin 2008 is being realized in collaboration and is the first step towards an annual track about quality standardization.
"In particular, the participants at Online Educa Berlin will benefit from the interesting speakers with their international expertise", emphasises Christian M. Stracke, Convener of SC36/WG5 and moderator of the session. The discussion session will include short inputs from experts responsible for the implementation of eLearning and will focus on the adoption of the ISO/IEC standard on quality management and development that was developed by SC36/WG5. Answering questions from the audience will be the internationally recognized panelists Kenji Hirata from Japan, Tae-In Han from Korea, and Stéphane Jacquemart from Luxembourg.
The cooperation brings together two key players. SC36/WG5 of ISO/IEC is the leading international standardization committee for quality standards in learning, education, and training. It is part of SC36, the only standardization committee worldwide to publish international de-jure ISO standards such as the first quality standard ISO/IEC 19796-1 that was developed by SC36/WG5.
Online Educa Berlin, the largest global eLearning conference for the corporate, education, and public-service sectors, is the key annual networking event for the international eLearning and technology-supported learning and training industry, attracting and bringing together experts at the vanguard of technology-enhanced learning from around the world.
Both partners believe that standardization and standards are important for the improvement of learning, education, and training and will gain increasing relevance and acceptance due the global needs and their implementation benefits.
The session "Improving eLearning Quality and Implementation" will take place on Friday, the 5th of December 2008, from 2.30pm to 4.00pm. The leading questions of the discussion session will be: What means can be used to support the implementation of eLearning? How can high quality and reuse be ensured? How can the design of eLearning as well as adaptations and individualisations be supported? And in particular, what is the experience of others in meeting these challenges?