Call for Papers for eLearning Baltics Still Open
eLBA unites researchers, practitioners, and scientists with people using eLearning products and services as well as the people producing them. The motto of eLBa 2012 is "Learning, Training, and Assistance at the Workplace."
eLBa 2012 addresses diverse topics, perspectives, technologies, theories, implementations, and evaluations of eLearning from the fields of computer science, pedagogy, psychology, and design. Accordingly, we invite experts from all these fields to contribute to eLBa 2012. The Call for Papers is open until 31 January 2012. Contributions can be submitted as extended abstracts in English to eLBa Science.
eLBa combines the scientific conference eLBa Science, the business forum eLBa Business, and an accompanying exhibition. A number of pre-Conference workshops will be held on the day before the main convocation. Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit proposals for workshops on topics related to learning and knowledge management with digital media. The eLBa Organizing Committee will decide on the final list of accepted workshops. Deadline for workshop proposals is 16 January 2012.