Baltic Young PhD Conference on Learning in Networks
This year, a conference for graduate students is being collocated with the BaSoTI 2010 Summer School. Complementary to the Summer School, which addresses young Master's students, the conference, on 20-21 August, will be a two-day scientific event. Part of its aim is to give PhD students the possibility of gaining their first conference experience.
The conference starts at noon on 20 August, and the talks will take place until the next afternoon. On the first evening, there will be an alumni meeting and a social event to which participants at the Summer School are also invited.
Additional pre-conference tutorials are being held in the morning of 20 August for the Summer School attendees to help them make a smoother transition from the Master's level to research-oriented PhD studies.
The conference is open for researchers at all levels and from all countries. It is specifically directed at PhD researchers and collaborators in the BaSoTI cooperation efforts. Participation costs 50 €.
Topic areas include
- Computer Networks and Network Management
- Wireless Networks
- Computer and Network Security
- Social Networking
- eLearning in Networks
- Privacy Issues in Digital and Social Networks