New Range of eLearning Courses on Personal Safety
Within every occupation, there may potentially be a small element of risk. One never knows when or if it will happen, but one in five people is attacked or abused every year just for doing her or his job, and understanding how to recognise precarious situations is an essential component of personal safety within each workplace.
Many people have jobs where they are required to work alone and without direct supervision, sometimes requiring them to work in other people's homes or in other people's premises. Examples include social workers, community nurses, home helps, sales representatives, and estate agents, and the absence of immediate help or assistance creates significant risk. Sadly, for a variety of reasons, each day sees many people in these occupations subject to either verbal or physical violence or aggression.
For this reason, Learning Nexus has developed this range of Personal Safety courses to make sure that "at risk" employees can know how to recognise and deal with potentially distressing situations.