81Boxes Adds Team Analysis to Talent Management | CHECK.point eLearning
Career Management

81Boxes Adds Team Analysis to Talent Management

Cirencester (UK), April 2011 - A new version of 81Boxes, the easy-to-use SaaS-based talent-management and succession-planning software from e2train, now includes some powerful new team analysis tools and simple user-driven branding functions.

The 81Boxes software service has a broad set of tools to manage and identify key talent and maintain critical succession planning in a business. It also provides smart analytical tools to illustrate skills and potentials. It is particularly renowned for being easy to implement and populate.

The new tool allows users to choose a team or group of people and drag-and-drop them around 81Boxes' interactive talent grid. You can rate people on the grid within the team. You can then set 'trends' for each individual and complete the core parts of their talent review. If there is enough space on the grid, you can see full names and job titles.

The team review tools also include career-trajectory and -œmobility- sections. Career trajectory lets you plan career moves for a group or team of people. It will review the readiness of people in a team or group to move into their next role. The mobility section enables you to rate the flexibility and willingness to move people in a group or a section.

The new branding feature is also consistent with the 81Boxes conviction that functionality should be intuitive. This means that administrators can now set their own colours and company branding easily and without referral to a third party.