Digital Skills for Employability and Social Inclusion
Thessaly (GR), November 2016 - Olivier Heidmann is lead developer and designer in serious-games projects, responsible for designing and creating virtual experiment demonstrators at the Institute for Research and Technology Thessaly (IRETETH), Greece. He has a Master’s Degree in Parallel Computing from the Louis Pasteur University in Strasbourg, France and has taught computer science, mathematics, and management for seven years to students ranging from fourteen years of age to adults. Since 2004, he has participated in more than a dozen EC-funded projects, using ICT and web-based solutions to enhance teaching and learning methodologies and tools. At OEB 2016 he will speak about "Serious Games for Developing Digital Skills for Emplyment" in the session "Digital Skills for Unemployed Youth" on Thursday, 1 December 2016 from 12:00 to 13:15.
Role Plays in Videoconferencing and Virtual Reality
Berlin (GER), November 2014 - Kurt Kohn is director of the Steinbeis Transfer Center (STC) Sprachlernmedien and professor emeritus of applied linguistics at the University of Tübingen. Since the early 1990s, he has been involved in European projects on technology-enhanced language learning and teaching. His more recent EU projects deal with intercultural telecollaboration and lingua franca pedagogy, interpreter training in virtual reality, and language-teacher education. His talk at ONLINE EDUCA will be part of the session "Creative Approaches to Language Learning" on 04 December 2014 from 16:30 to 17:30. » MORE
Simulating Classes with Avatars of Students and Teachers
Barcelona (E), November 2012 - As a member of the Office of Learning Technologies at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Carles Fernà ndez Barrera is a specialist in eLearning projects related to the use of serious games and virtual worlds, video and interactive TV, music and quizzes and other resources as learning tools. At ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN, he will talk about "Creating a Serious Game to Engage Teachers in Lifelong Learning". » MORE
Blended learning project on EU governance
London (UK), April 2012 - (by Bob Little) People working for the European Commission, Parliament, its Bodies and Agencies will now have access to state-of-the-art online blended learning materials and programs on EU decision making, law and policies. The contract to supply these materials has been awarded to The European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA, a centre of European learning and development for the public sector), the College of Europe (a university institute of postgraduate studies and training in European affairs) and eXact learning solutions (the online and mobile learning solutions provider).
School in the Hospital and Domiciliary Learning
Milan (I), November 2010 - What happens if a child needs to be taken out of school due to long-term illness or an accident? In one complicated case, a young person even needed to live permanently - and receive his schooling - on a boat due to a specifically harsh case of allergies! How can children in such circumstances still be offered access to education? CHECK.point eLearning asked Matteo Uggeri from Milan, who is involved in the development of groundbreaking concepts to provide a centralized system of distance education for children in hospitals or home care in Italy. » MORE
The Future of Personalized Learning Environments
Saarbruecken (GER), October 2010 - The next generation of learning solutions will be geared even more towards users, their knowledge levels and requirements, and their individual learning behavior. Dr. Volker Zimmermann of IMC AG explains what this essentially involves. » MORE
The EFQUEL Board of Directors Would Like You to Know ...
Brussels (BE), September 2009 - In 2007, Dr. Claudio Dondi was elected president of EFQUEL during the annual General Membership Meeting at the EDEN conference in Lisbon. The commitment is Dr. Dondi's third: The very experienced European professional also plays leadership roles in SCIENTER and MENON. The same year, Dr. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers assumed EFQUEL's vice-presidency. He works at the University of Duisburg-Essen, which is one of the founding members of EFQUEL. The organization was established as one of the end-products of the TRIANGLE project in 2004. » MORE
Fostering Innovation with Web 2.0
Seville (E), November 2008 - Web 2.0 technologies and approaches have a highly stimulating impact on education and training, providing the impetus for a re-appraisal of traditional roles and practices. Dr. Christine Redecker of the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), one of seven scientific institutes of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Spain, described the way students and staff are using Web 2.0 to CHECK.point eLearning. » MORE
Cross Border Virtual Entrepreneurship
Heerlen (NL), November 2008 - It is difficult to ignore the impact of globalisation on universities these days, as students and staff alike embark on a variety of real and virtual activities aimed at increasing their exposure to international trends and opportunities. CHECK.point eLearning talked to Dr. Kees-Jan van Dorp, Research Director at European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), about the project Cross Border Virtual Entrepreneurship, which is a multilateral European project under the Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013. » MORE
In Search of a Fluid Networking Culture
Helsinki (SF), November 2007 - The international MA program ePedagogy Design - Visual Knowledge Building has recently been awarded "best-practice" in the Erasmus program. Following his experience with this project, Prof. Stefan Sonvilla-Weiss tries to answer questions about the impact of social software tools on eLearning and implications on students' modes of interaction, aesthetics, and techniques. » MORE
Developing a Continuing Training System for Trainers
Rome (IT), November 2007 - Sharing expertise within Europe's Teacher Training Networks is one theme of this year's Online Educa Berlin Conference. Dr. Claudia Montedoro and Dr. Saverio Pescuma from ISFOL (the Italian Institute for Vocational Training) will present the Italian Online Project SPF (Xformare). CHECK.point eLearning spoke with Dr. Saverio Pescuma about the biggest public On Line Continuing Training System ever created by the Italian Ministry of Labour. » MORE
Portugal's Road Towards Lisbon 2010
Lisbon (PT), October 2007 - As its name in Portuguese indicates, the FDTI - the Foundation for the Promotion of Information Technologies - is responsible for disseminating ICT knowledge and use in Portugal, and the organization was, naturally, one of the institutions responsible for the recent EU Conference on Delivering the Lisbon Agenda. During the eLearning Lisboa 2007 event, CHECK.point eLearning had a chance to speak with Patricia Leão from the FDTI. » MORE
Open Source in Rumanian Education
Timisoara (RO), September 2007 - (by Elena Lita) Open Source, a term proposed in 1998, refers to a set of principles and practices that promote the access to the process of planning and implementing various products and resources. The term is primarily used in relation to software. A wider term is FLOSS (or FOSS) - Free Libre Open Source Software. Carmen Holotescu, an instructor at the Automation and Computer Science Faculty - Politehnica University of Timisoara, the coordinator of the eLearning firm Timsoft, and the author of two eLearning guides speaks about the use of Open Source in Education. » MORE
Partnership Opportunities between Europe and Africa
Dakar (SEN), May 2007 - START (also called the EuroAfrica-ICT initiative) is a project supported by the European Commission. It aims at connecting Sub-Saharan Africa and the European Union for ICT partnerships through the Framework Programme 7. Ken Lohento from the Panos Institute West Africa is Coordinator of the START initiative in West and Central Africa. He gives us an update on the situation. » MORE
Supporting a New Philosophy of Quality in Europe
Berlin, November 2006 - At Online Educa Berlin, the European Foundation for Quality in eLearning (EFQUEL) will introduce the EFQUEL eQuality Award, which recognises excellence in eLearning processes. CHECKpoint eLearning talked to Dr. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers, Coordinator European Research, University of Duisburg-Essen, about the objectives, the criteria, and the impacts of the award. » MORE