CHECK.point eLearning, European News, 09/06/2016 | CHECK.point eLearning

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CHECK.point eLearning, European News, 09/06/2016 - - ISSN 1613-4710

University of Exeter

Skills Dashboard for the UK

Devon (UK), June 2016 - IPPR have launched a new skills dashboard for the UK. This is free to use and should enable users to explore demand for particular mid-skill roles and the likely levels of competition and potential salary for these positions.  » MORE

Corporate Professional

Fosway Group Appoints Learning Expert to Its Analyst Team

Fiona LeteneyCirencester (UK), June 2016 - Fosway Group, a leading European HR and learning analyst, has announced the appointment of Fiona Leteney as a new Senior Analyst. The role will support the continuing growth of its next-gen learning-analyst practice and engagement with corporate clients and organisations across Europe. » MORE

Video Interview

Karl Kapp Launches Season Two of Growth Engineering's GE TV

Windsor (UK), June 2016 - Growth Engineering has published a video interview with Professor Karl Kapp in which he talks about why gamification and learning games work, and how to deploy them effectively. » MORE

A New Spring

Dutch Learning Organisation Gains Accreditation from the LPI

Rotterdam (NL), June 2016 - The Learning & Performance Institute (LPI) is pleased to announce that following a rigorous consultative audit, Rotterdam-based technology company A New Spring B.V., has been recognised as achieving the highest benchmark of excellence against which other L&D technology organisations are measured. » MORE

White Paper

How Experiential Learning Can Drive Change

Paris (F), June 2016 - While many employers implement traditional learning-development programs to train their teams, StratX makes it clear that utilizing an experiential learning approach can provide impactful results and leads to lasting on-the-job change. » MORE



Using e-Assessment to Enhance Student Learning

Barcelona (E), June 2016 - The ETHE journal is a publication with twelve years of history, published by the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) since the beginning. The University of the Andes (Colombia) has recently been incorporated as co-editor. During the first stage, the journal was consolidated under the name of RUSC, "Journal of University and Knowledge Society". Since 2016, the internationalization of the journal has been strengthened by becoming published by the prestigious Springer group, at which point the journal opted for a change of name. » MORE

NV Bekaert SA

Harmonizing SAP Documentation for 7,000 Employees

Heidelberg (GER) June 2016 - NV Bekaert SA, a globally active supplier of innovative steel wire products, has harmonized its IT applications testing and documentation processes with the help of tts software and tts' Belgian partner, FERN. Thanks to tt performance suite, all 7,000 Bekaert IT users now have quick access to consistent and current online manuals for SAP applications that have been systematically tested with tt performance suite. » MORE

Social Sector

Filtered Foundation Extend Support of Nonprofits

London (UK), June 2016 - Filtered Foundation, the charitable arm of the online education platform, broadens opportunities in education, training, and careers. It does so by offering free training and work opportunities to individuals who wish to become more confident in their business skills or to get a head start in their careers. Now, the Filtered Foundation announces that two of its online courses are available through, an online career-development tool for nonprofit staff and volunteers established by the Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation. » MORE


Barclays Shares L&D Strategy in Exclusive New Whitepaper

London (UK), June 2016 - In this exclusive whitepaper co-written with eLearning provider Mind Click, Barclays shares its L&D strategy, outlining how it will prepare for the future of learning. The whitepaper outlines how strategic gamification, social learning, and the humanisation of L&D can fit into today's corporate learning landscape. » MORE

Innovation Pack 7

IMC Publishes the Latest Versions of Its Learning Technologies

Saarbrücken (GER), June 2016 - While the eLearning industry keeps developing at high speed, IMC AG, a German-based full-service provider of digital training, continues to set new benchmarks in terms of usability, innovation, and efficiency of processes in digital learning. The company recently unveiled the latest enhancements of its solutions: the Learning Management System, IMC Learning Suite, the Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS), IMC Process Guide, and the eLearning authoring software, IMC Content Studio. » MORE



UpsideLMS Helps SMBs Select the Right LMS

Pune (IN), June 2016 - 'LMS Selection Guide for SMBs', an eBook by UpsideLMS, goes the whole nine yards in helping small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) understand the real need and benefits of an LMS and buy it. » MORE

An App for Everything

Instructional Design Is Dead. So What's Next?

London (UK), June 2016 - The prolific learning-industry writer and explorer of the social age Julian Stodd will be part of a panel of experts at the upcoming Learning & Skills Group conference, part of the annual Learning Technologies Summer Forum in London, 14 June. He will join his colleagues in debating instructional design, gamification, user experience, and social learning. » MORE

A Study with a Warning

Children’s Vulnerability to Online Games

Barcelona (E), June 2016 - Children are increasingly spending time online, abandoning the TV to seek out information and fun on the internet. Now that the internet has surpassed television as an advertising medium in Europe, children are even more exposed to online marketing strategies. A EU-funded study performed by the UOC's Open Evidence, along with the London School of Economics and Political Science, and Block de Ideas warns of the vulnerability of children to online games and reveals that the majority of the 25 most popular ones contain advertisements that could have a negative impact on children's behaviour.  » MORE

Free Seminar

New Twist on Business Simulations at LT Summer Forum

Kate NichollsPlymouth (UK), June 2016 - The benefits of combining technology, games, and face-to-face training to enhance business simulations will be explored at the Learning Technologies 2016 Summer Forum this month. » MORE

Sales Training

Take Part in a Brandon Hall Group Survey

Delray Beach, FL (USA), June 2016 - Brandon Hall Group invites you to participate in a survey regarding your perceptions of sales-training providers. Also, please feel free to share it with colleagues you feel are qualified to complete it. This survey was created to uncover the latest trends in evaluating sales training providers and identify key indicators for why organizations use sales-training providers. » MORE

eLearning Africa

Impatient Africans "Not Going to Wait until 2063"

Cairo (EGY), June 2016 - There was a mood of impatience among the ministers, businesspeople, and education experts attending this year's eLearning Africa conference in Cairo. Aware of the opportunity offered by information and communication technologies to spread education, training, and access to information throughout Africa, many have started to feel that 2063, the date the African Union has set for the realisation of its vision of a "transformed Continent", may be too long to wait. They want Africans, and particularly young people, to feel the benefits that the combination of technology and education can bring within the next ten years. » MORE

Learning and Skills Group Conference

Your career as an L&D professional

London (UK), June 2016 - The Learning and Skills Group conference, part of the annual Learning Technologies Summer Forum in London on 14 June, will explore careers in L&D. The event will feature three learning industry leaders, each with a unique and highly successful journey in the learning industry:  » MORE

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