CHECK.point eLearning, European News, 26/05/2016 | CHECK.point eLearning

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CHECK.point eLearning, European News, 26/05/2016 - - ISSN 1613-4710


UOC Experts’ Findings

Open-Source Projects Don’t Always Operate Democratically

Barcelona (E), May 2016 – (by Jordi Rovira) The purpose of the open-source software movement is to advocate open (the code is public), collaborative (the community participates in the development process) software development. However, neither this goal nor the theoretically democratic functioning that one would expect is always met.  This is the main conclusion reached by the SOM Research Lab at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya's (UOC) Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3). » MORE

Content Is Not Dead

High-Quality Content Will Prevail over Time

Christian Wachter, CEO of IMC AGSven R. Becker, Sales Professional at IMCSaarbrücken (GER), May 2016 - Some experts involved in digital training say that producing costly eLearning content is a thing of the past: creating hours of training in movie quality is simply too expensive. Target audiences consisting of young learners need little bites of training that present content in a concise and easy-to-grasp manner. But will these bites, which are known as learning nuggets, be sufficient to reflect complex learning needs? And what concept will future learning content be based on in order to engage and motivate learners, while meeting the increasingly complex requirements of organizations in terms of on-the-job training at the same time? Christian Wachter, CEO of IMC AG in Saarbrücken, Germany, and Sven R. Becker, Sales Professional at IMC, talk about learning contents of the future and stand up for high-quality eLearning content.  » MORE

Planned Series

A New Way in Digital Learning: QA Online ITIL Academy

London (UK), May 2016 - QA, a UK leader in IT and business-skills training, has launched its Online ITIL® Academy as part of a planned series including Project Management, Cyber Security, Business Systems Development, and App and Web Development.  » MORE

Cross-European Research

Open to Deliver Unique HR Technology Insights

LogoCirencester (UK), May 2016 - The 2016 HR Realities research launches this week, continuing the success of the only cross-European insights into HR technology and its impact on the future of work. Led by one of Europe’s leading HR and learning analysts, the Fosway Group, in partnership with HRN, one of the world’s largest corporate HR networks, the research is in its third year and is open to HR professionals across the Continent.  » MORE

North America

Remote-Learner Joins the Global Totara Partner Network

Denver, CO (USA), May 2016 - Totara Learning is delighted to welcome Remote-Learner to the global Totara Partner network. As a long-standing leader in the world of open-source eLearning platforms, Remote-Learner consistently provides innovation in learning and training solutions. Through this partnership, the Denver-based company can now offer the award-winning Totara platform to the business, government, and education markets in North America.  » MORE


Growth Engineering

New Bubble Blaster Learning Game

Windsor (UK), May 2016 - Growth Engineering, a multi-award winning learning-technologies company, has launched its brand-new learning game, Bubble Blaster. The game is available as a template on Genie, Growth Engineering’s game-based content authoring tool.  » MORE

Report from Rosetta Stone

90% Recognise the Need for Professional Development

London (UK), May 2016 - Thirty percent of HR experts believe improvement is needed to better align learning and development (L&D) with business objectives, a new survey from Rosetta Stone and the CPD Standards Office reveals. It shows that while 90 per cent of businesses recognise the need for professional development and training, it’s not always provided: 27 per cent of HR decision makers admit they don’t offer it but acknowledge that they should.  » MORE

Release 2016

New Version of tt performance suite ELearning Software

Heidelberg (GER), May 2016 - Knowledge is fundamentally important to any company’s long term success. It is therefore essential to make knowledge available to employees with a mix of information that is simultaneously meaningful and timely. With tt performance suite, tts GmbH delivers precisely the right instrument to meet this purpose. The software offers a highly integrated eLearning authoring environment, which combines the functions of a professional, server-based documentation system with a powerful eLearning production tool, and provides a variety of ways to publish content to employees. More than 4,500,000 users already benefit from the software to meet their daily needs for corporate knowledge. tt performance suite is now available in a new version with functions that make it even more flexible in specific customer situations.  » MORE


Create eLearning Is Reconfirmed as Meeting ISO 9001 Quality

Carol-Ann Stevenson, Head of the Customer Success Team at Create eLearningGlasgow (SCT), May 2016 - The mobile-friendly eLearning portal producer Create eLearning has passed its ISO 9001 surveillance audit. ISO 9001 is a quality-management standard that helps organisations demonstrate that they deliver a consistently high level of service. » MORE

LearnX Impact Awards

Tata Interactive Systems Wins Platinum Award

Mumbai (IN), May 2016 - Tata Interactive Systems (TIS), a global leader in the field of education and learning, has won a Platinum Award at the 2016 LearnX Impact Awards. Now in its ninth year, the Awards aim to honour those companies making an impact in learning and development throughout the Asia-Pacific region. » MORE


eLearning Africa

2063 Vision: Ministers Move from Ideas to Action

Berlin (GER), May 2016 - Education and training are at the heart of the African Union’s 2063 Vision for a "transformed continent". With this in mind, Ministers of Education, Skills, Finance, and ICT from all over Africa are discussing delivery mechanisms at the annual Round Table on ICT for education, training, and development at the eLearning Africa Conference, currently (24-26 May 2016) taking place in Cairo. » MORE


Whitepaper to Support Change-Management Initiatives

Russell Kenrick, Managing Director of ILXLondon (UK), May 2016 – ILX, a global best-practice learning company, has released a new whitepaper entitled "Middle Management and Their Influence and Impact on Organisational Change". It looks at how organisations can better utilise valuable skills and knowledge in middle-management layers as instruments for successful change initiatives. » MORE

NFL Career Advice

What You Know Matters More Than Who You Know

London (UK), May 2016 - Research from the UCL School of Management reveals that working for a high-profile manager can secure a promotion at another organisation, but being hired based on a connection might not lead to a successful career in the long run. » MORE


New Security and Terror Alerts eLearning Course

Milton Keynes (UK), May 2016 - Global eLearning provider EssentialSkillz have launched a new eLearning course to help staff be prepared and know what to do in the event of a terrorist attack.  » MORE

Programme Available

EDEN 2016 Annual Conference

Budapest (HU), May 2016 - The programme for the EDEN annual Conference in Budapest, 14-17 June 2016, comprises over 160 accepted contributions, including research paper sessions, demonstration and poster sessions, workshops, training courses, and lively Synergy sessions for new project ideas and in-progress initiatives.  » MORE


Udima Scientific Journal

Call for Papers on Technology, Science and Education

Madrid (E), May 2016 - The Journal of Technology, Science and Society publishes original, significant, reproducible and archival results in all areas of science and ICT. The published articles generally provide substantial solutions to problems in domains such as eLearning, computers and education, e-research, e-business, e-government, open innovation, technology for disabled users, and R+D+d in Computer Sciences and Industrial Engineering. The articles may also identify significant challenges for social-welfare research based on thoughtful insights derived from practical experience. » MORE

Learning Now tv

The Social Age and the Rise of the Community

London (UK), May 2016 - On this month’s Learning Now tv, Julian Stodd, author of the Social Learning Handbook and founder of Sea Salt Learning, talks about the rise of the community with Nigel Paine. The broadcast also includes interviews on machine and cognitive learning, managing for the first time, as well as insights into Adobe’s research about the state of content.  » MORE

Exhibition Seminars

The Learning Technologies Summer Forum

London (UK), May 2016 - The Learning Technologies Summer Forum exhibition seminar programme comprises over thirty free-to-attend seminars running in four open theatres, as well as an exhibition area showcasing thirty-six leading learning-industry suppliers. » MORE

Distance Learning 2020

Register Now for the 2016 ICDE Presidents’ Summit

Cronulla Beach (AU), May 2016 - The 2016 ICDE Presidents’ Summit, hosted by Charles Sturt University, will be held 20-23 November 2016 at Cronulla Beach near Sydney, Australia. The 2016 ICDE Presidents’ Summit, entitled "A New Era of Leadership and Quality: The Business of Open and Distance Learning 2020", will focus on new trends in executive leadership, changing paradigms, and innovative approaches for distributed leadership and management practice. » MORE


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